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Project ReCon: circular economy to give devices for sustainable fishing a second life

22 June 2023
satlink-lanza-recon-economia-circular-segunda-vida-dispositivos-pesca-sostenible-b0d6853c Project ReCon: circular economy  to give devices for sustainable fishing a second life
  • The Spanish technology company launches a worldwide collaboration network between fishing companies and local partners to recondition the devices.
  • Scientific research, marking and monitoring of marine debris, or prevention of natural disasters are some of the potential uses after its reconditioning.

The technology company Satlink launches its Project ReCon, a pioneer circular economy program unique in its field that aims to give a second life to Devices for Sustainable Fishing (DSF), and specifically to echosounder buoys, used in tropical purse seine tuna fishing. Due to sea currents, some of the echosounder buoys used by the fleets may drift out of the fishing areas at the end of their useful life, making their recovery impossible for the fishing companies.

In order to prevent them from being beached and becoming technological waste, Satlink is leading a worldwide collaborative network of fishing companies and local partners to collect these devices and refurbish them for new uses, giving them a second life for scientific and environmental purposes.

In addition to marking their position, these buoys have an integrated echosounder that reports the amount of biomass present under the buoy. Therefore, they can be reused for small-scale scientific studies, marking and monitoring of marine debris, or prevention of natural disasters, among other projects proposed by NGOs and local communities adhered to Project ReCon, always related to science, sustainability and for benefit of local communities.

This ambitious Project ReCon is taking off after months of work and has the support of a number of fleets (including the AGAC fleet), interested in increasing the sustainability of their fishing activities in benefit of local communities. This way, Project ReCon takes its first steps in Australia, where Satlink's team has been working with Tangaroa Blue Foundation, an Australian NGO and founder of the Australian Marine Debris Initiative, which, with the support of the Australian community and government, is carrying out crucial work in cleaning up its coasts and removing and preventing marine debris. Working together, both organizations aim to re-purpose the collected ReCon buoys for protecting the Great Barrier Reef, setting the stage for additional re-purposing projects and collaborations both within Australia and beyond.

Working towards the integral sustainability of fishing activities has always been one of the fundamental pillars on which Satlink's philosophy is based. So much so that this year the United Nations (UN) Global Compact recognized Satlink's technology as key to caring for the oceans and underwater life, awarding them with the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14 award. Now, Project ReCon, unique in its field, takes a step further, adding to the company's numerous sustainability initiatives.