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Satlink, ORP and IPNLF launch a collaborative fishing gear reuse project in the Maldives

The aim of the initiative, which will be developed in collaboration with the Olive Ridley Project (ORP) and the International Pole & Line Foundation (IPNLF), is to create a self-sustaining system for the sustainable management of abandoned, lost or discarded fishing gear with long-term continuity and applicability to other areas, through the involvement of local artisanal fishing communities.

22 March 2022
Redes-de-pesca-en-playa_Impacto-Cero_r-531c32bc Satlink, ORP and IPNLF launch a collaborative fishing gear reuse project in the Maldives

The aim of the initiative, which will be developed in collaboration with the Olive Ridley Project (ORP) and the International Pole & Line Foundation (IPNLF), is to create a self-sustaining system for the sustainable management of abandoned, lost or discarded fishing gear with long-term continuity and applicability to other areas, through the involvement of local artisanal fishing communities.

Satlink has partnered with the Olive Ridley Project (ORP) and the International Pole & Line Foundation (IPNLF) to establish a programme for the removal and reuse of abandoned, lost or discarded fishing nets and other fishing gear (known as ALDFG) in the Maldives. This project draws from the success of previous initiatives that the company carried out along the coast of Chile, recycling over 100,000 kilos of this waste. Framed both of them within Satlink’s Zero Impact campaign, this new initiative - Netcycle - will be developed in the Noonu Atoll, an ecosystem of high biological value in this Indian Ocean archipelago.

Netcycle aims to create a self-sustaining system for the sustainable management of ALDFG, which can be especially damaging to sensitive reef environments through ghost fishing. By involving local artisanal fishing communities, the project aims to set the stage so that the experience can be scaled up to other islands in the Maldives and continue beyond its two-year scope. The initiative also includes the use of the removed nets in pre-existing circular economy initiatives, whether for reuse or recycling, through the artisanal industry, SMEs, or local artists.

To this purpose, through the initiative, Lholhi Island fishermen will undertake training workshops on various subjects, including the impact of ghost fishing nets, collection protocols, reuse opportunities and release techniques for sea turtles entangled in these nets. In addition, local scientists and biologists will collect and analyse information on the nature of driftnets in the Noonu Atoll area.

Zero Impact Campaign 

Satlink is a leading provider of technology solutions to contribute to sustainable and responsible fishing. Through the Zero Impact campaign, launched in 2019, the company actively engages in efforts aimed to reduce the risk of ghost fishing and other damage to marine ecosystems. This collaboration in the Maldives is the latest example of such efforts.