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ELB3-portada-cuadro-b71162cc  ELB3010 Manager

ELB3010 Manager


All the information sent by Satlink’s DSFs, at a glance. From tonnage estimation or sunrise reports to species composition or buoy tilt, information is easily accessible to enable fast and efficient decision-making. Panels and drop-down windows contain more detailed data to plan according to all the information received. In addition, the ELB3010 is fully customisable, seamlessly fitting the needs of each user.

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Enables the most efficient management and viewing of Satlink DSFs
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Ability to mark events of interest on maps
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Fully customisable, to suit all needs
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Complemented by the oceanography service, providing a comprehensive service

Fleet tracking

Satlink’s vessel tracking system captures other vessel identification data within the area of interest. This tool provides vessel identification data from Satlink, TrackIT and AIS systems.

Oceanographic information for the best use of Satlink buoys

Oceanographic information for the best use of Satlink buoys

This is the perfect add-on. It integrates buoy management with all the oceanographic context necessary to make sense of the information received from the buoys. In addition, its oceanographic and meteorological information allows searching for the best fishing areas and anticipating fishing conditions.

Buoysmanager: Web Service

Buoysmanager: Web Service

Satlink offers this web tool to allow the visualization of the buoys at any time and place. With much smaller and simpler functionalities than the ELB3010, the Buoysmanager, with connection to the network, allows you to see the position of all Satlink buoys, and in the case of Satlink smart buoys, you can also see the echosounder information. Compatible with computers, tablets and mobiles (Android and IOS).

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This useful feature combines oceanographic current forecast data with Satlink buoys to display the likely path and destination of a buoy. The depth can also be modified to select the current of interest. Choosing where to deploy a buoy has never been easier.

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All the information received from Satlink DSFs is displayed in a clear and intuitive manner across the various sections. An initial pop-up eases decision-making, and several data panels display information on the status of the buoys and what is going on underneath them.

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New! The status of the Satlink buoys can be monitored from the ELB3010. Tilt and shock messages and status messages are clear and intuitive, allowing deep insight into what is happening to the buoys at any time.

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With the ELB3010 Manager’s user markers it is very easy to mark all kinds of events of interest. Areas, lines, weather conditions, fishing events and services are just a few of the things that can be drawn and modified on the maps.

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The ELB3010 features three different interfaces, focusing on different usage options. The regular interface, focused on the use of Satlink smart buoys; the Oceanography interface, focused exclusively on the use of Oceanographic Information Service and the SSDF interface, focused on the use of Satlink longline buoys.

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