The echosounder buoy that identifies species for selective fishing
Adapted with the latest advances in acoustics, the ISD+ buoy, or selective buoy, is a powerful tool of technological innovation whose main objective is to contribute to the sustainability of tuna fishing around fish aggregating devices (FAD). The unique double echo-sounder system of the ISD+ buoy, allows fleets to obtain accurate information on the tonnage of fish present under the buoy, as well as the composition of the different commercial tuna species.
The ISD+ buoy is the perfect ally to plan fishing strategies in detail and optimize fishing effort, protecting stocks in an efficient and sustainable fishery.
Allows fishing to be focused on target species, optimising fishing pressure.
Contributes to scientific knowledge on commercial tuna species and their sustainability.
Helps to comply with fishing quotas and other constraints by making fishing strategies more flexible.
Avoid fishing for juveniles and by-catch of non-target species.
ISD+ buoy, selectivity for sustainable fishing

Its unique simultaneous double sounding system provides information on the composition of species under the smart buoy. It reports the percentage of the top three tropical tuna species, together with total estimated tonnes, for a more informed, efficient and sustainable fishing strategy.

A must for decision making, it allows easy viewing of biomass movement under the echosounder buoy during key tuna fishing hours. During the two hours around sunrise, the ISD+ buoy takes soundings every minute and creates a graph to report what is happening below it.

New! The new motion sensor of the ISD+ buoy (Selective buoy) now sends information to easily identify situations such as the eventual sinking or recovery of a buoy. Tilt and shock warnings, as well as status messages, help to know the status of the intelligent buoy in depth, at any time.

SIMRAD ES16 Echosounder
The most advanced technology in its field. By using the ‘CHIRP’ pulse, the ISD+ buoy distinguishes plankton and other interferences much more accurately, giving much more precise estimates. In addition, its more efficient energy management means that the selective buoy can sound more frequently and send a greater amount of information.